Sunday, January 23, 2011

Justin Flechsig's Highlighter Birthday Party

Someday I will master the art of making a glow-in-the-dark cake. With a lack of success in making a glowing cake at Justin Dressler's birthday last year, I didn't try again. Instead, I ignored the party theme.

At first, I was worried about the cake I was planning, but Justin is an easy-going guy. If anyone would be okay with this cake, it would be him. And in fact, he was more than okay with it!

I went to Thrifty Shopper and found two Pyrex bowls for a steal of $2 each! This was my first time baking a cake in Pyrex. It took a VERY long time to bake. I didn't know how much batter I would need, so made enough for two. Turns out one was just under what I needed, so I made mini cupcakes!

This cake was really simple to make after I figured out the Pyrex situation. The middle of the cakes were still a little gooey, so I scooped it out and replaced it with a creamy icing. Gross, but delicious. It was especially good because the cake was so thick, so the extra icing balanced that out.

I got the idea for nipples from this site. I used two of those large dot-like candies. I'm not sure what they're called. Sometimes they're spiced...


First layer of flowers

Final Product

Profile view so you can really see how big those nipples were!


Extra cupcakes

Me and the birthday boy!

Happy birthday, Justin!!

YUM :)

1 comment:

  1. Wait a second, there was cream filling? That's awesome. You're a champion.
