Sari, Ela, and I found each other on craigslist. We were all in need of roommates and wanted a home, not just a place to store our things. After meeting once to look at places, we signed a lease moved in shortly after, essentially strangers. A few months later, we've discovered countless similarities. Our fridge and pantry are stacked with three of the same products and foods - one for each of us. Currently, our common obsession is with dates.
With our similarities in mind, it wasn't hard for me and Ela to come up with a cake that we'd all love. Our initial priority was to use fruit, and we easily achieved that. Ela is a sale-finding-coupon-clipper, so when she saw kiwis and strawberries were on sale at Stop & Shop, we knew that was the way to go!
For the cake, we added pureed kiwi to the batter as a replacement for water. We made lemon curd for the filling and added sliced strawberries. Sari had been raving about the Ghirardelli chocolate chips on sale at Shaws, so we went with a chocolate ganache for the icing.
Stawberries and Kiwis! |
Delicious bittersweet chocolate |
Kiwi cake |
Cut in half, ready for filling |
Making the lemon curd |
Curd filling |
We had to add stawberries |
Making chocolate ganache for the first time |
Looking good already |
Ela did all the decorating |
A tropical-looking cake just in time for spring |
Adding the candles |
And the final result! |
Beautiful and delicious! Thanks Meg and Ela!